Bal Krishna is the name sometimes given to the young Hindu god Krishna. Balkrishna Doshi was named for him, when he was born in 1927. "They wanted me to remain young," the 90-year-old architect explains, as he bursts into peals of laughter. Doshi is the newest winner of the Pritzker Architecture Prize, known as the Nobel for architects. Over the course of six decades, he has become famous in his native India as an educator who transformed practices in his field, partly by establishing several schools of architecture and design. He has built more than a hundred buildings that reflect his investment in local materials, social change and the environment. As a student and young architect himself, Doshi worked with two of the great Modernists of the 20th century: Le Corbusier and Louis Kahn. "For me, the best lessons ever given by Le Corbusier was by drawing on my table — he was sitting on the table and drawing with me," Doshi tells NPR. "So he was showing me how people would move, how they